Telltale Games: 10 TV Shows They Should Adapt

7. Breaking Bad

Telltale Game of Thrones Tyrion

Background: The story of Walter White began airing on AMC in 2008 and concluded in 2013, but the franchise is continuing on with Better Call Saul, which unveiled its first season earlier this year.

Why It Should: Heisenberg's story was definitively told over the course of the series and a number of characters that were a part of it hardly need a story of their own. However, with Better Call Saul proving to be a success, it's hard not to be curious to see stories of those few characters - like Saul - who weren't already tethered to Walter White's story upon their introduction.

One of the most intriguing faces on the original series was Gus Fring, the man of ice cold business and few words. A series chronicling his rise into the kingpin he was when viewers first met him on Breaking Bad could go a long way to fleshing out the fan favorite character, and adding a new layer of dimension to how players view him on future rewatches of the series based on how they chose to maneuver him in the game.

Alternate AMC Series Choice: With The Walking Dead brand already well-covered by Telltale, a neat choice for the company to cover similar territory in adding to an IP that's jumped from page to screen would be next year's adaptation of Preacher.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!