Telltale's Batman: 10 Comic Stories That Would Be Great Inspiration
9. Broken City
Somewhat overshadowed by the aforementioned Hush storyline from the early 2000s, Broken City was a five issue mini-series that returned Bruce Wayne to his detective roots, firmly grounding the story as a classic murder mystery that bore uncomfortable similarity to the murders of Thomas & Martha Wayne decades prior. It's never usually listed as being among the best works on the character, though it definitely should be. The premise is a fairly simple one, but the way in which it is executed is sublime. Batman ends up confronting enemies like Killer Croc, The Ventriloquist, and yes, The Joker, but all have their own discernible role in the narrative that helps reflect the way in which The Dark Knight goes about his crime fighting. It offers a quick dissection of Bruce's motivations for doing what he does and as TellTale's press release promises, that will most likely comprise a part of the story package the episodic series creates when it drops later in the year. What better way to open up TellTale's first series of Batman than with a good classic mystery caper? All the heavy psychological narrative can later come with it, but giving players the opportunity to deduce like the World's Greatest Detective is an opportunity none too many would pass up on. Plus, it avoids a huge focus on the relationship between Joker and Batman, which everyone seems to be getting sick of now.