The Avengers Project: 10 Things It Must Include

9. Supporting Characters Not In The Movies

Avengers Project
Marvel Comics

While the MCU might be the gateway for many fans to discover these characters, there’s a whole wealth of characters inked into Marvel’s history still waiting to have their story told.

In the recent Spider-Man title, we saw the likes of Miles Morales. Batman: Arkham meanwhile focussed on Poison Ivy and gave Harley Quinn a starring role well before Margot Robbie bunched her hair.

Avengers easily has the potential for this too. In fact, with six MCU Avengers, there’s six heroes worth of backstory to dig into. Riri Williams, Iron Man’s comic book successor (as Iron Heart), is an obvious pick. She’s driven, dedicated and could inject the spark of youth that Spider-Man has but the Avengers lack.

Speaking of youth, the Young Avengers could ever feature, possibly as prodigies rather than fully fledged heroes. Kate Bishop is reportedly set for a debut in Avengers 4 (played by Katherine Langford), but the likelihood of seeing Wiccan or Hulkling on the silver screen is fairly low.

Whoever the supporting cast are, they need to match up to the core characters in terms of the effort put into them for this title to feel alive.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)