The Avengers Project: 10 Things It Must Include

8. Customisable/Unlockable Costumes

Avengers Project
Marvel Comics

One of the biggest surprises about Spider-Man was how many unlockable costumes came with the game. Although given Spidey’s extensive collection of well known outfits, perhaps it shouldn’t have been such a surprise.

With Avengers, there’s six (taking the MCU gang, at least) characters on offer and therefore six classic catalogues to pick from. Thor and Hawkeye’s movie costumes have been toned down from the comics, while Black Widow has had a different haircut every movie and Cap a different suit. Iron Man’s new designs are always integrated into the story and Hulk... well Hulk’s always just been a green dude.

Okay so Hulk’s out, but we could stull get Heroes Reborn Thor, Unworthy Thor, maybe even Jane Foster as Thor, though that last one might be a bridge too far. Black Widow has her Grey Widow costume (she didn’t really change things up much), Captain America has The Captain, his Exoskeleton or even Nomad. Hawkeye has his divisive Ultimates gear. As for Iron Man, fans would be stoked to get control of the Hulkbuster.

The point is, the possibilities are endless, and fans want them all.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)