The Avengers Project Video Games: Everything You Need To Know

2. We Could Be Seeing Massive Variation In Gameplay

Black Widow Chris Samnee
Marvel Comics

Of course, any title that has split development is bound to offer a wide array of gameplay, and with a membership as diverse as that of The Avengers, you just know a game won't be a simple third-person affair.

The abilities of the team offer paths into stealth, action, shooting, flying, destruction and then some, which exemplifies the inherent strengths of bringing such a group to the gaming medium. If executed correctly, this could mean that there's quite literally something for everyone, in turn, allowing the developers to place a focus on co-operative gameplay, a feature dependant on the entire team carrying out their roles to perfection.

Consider Ultimate Alliance 2, for a moment. Its focus on 'fusions' - a feature that saw players combine their abilities to wreak ultra destructive results - was a great concept, but it lacked nuance.

Here, there is a clear and present opportunity to expand upon that feature, making each player feel as though they're a part of a team, doing the best at what they do.

Whether it's nice or not, is at Enix's discretion.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.