The Division: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

1. Unlock As Many Safe Houses As You Can Early On

Since you're presented with the whole map from the beginning of the game, why not go exploring? Finding and unlocking safe houses from the beginning will help you out for a couple of reasons - just be warned that some require a certain level to unlock, so as soon as you can, head right to them. Safe houses will open up the ability to fast travel around the map. The more safe houses you find, the faster you'll be able to get around. Yeah, it may cut down on your exploring of the beautiful environment, but you'll still have some distance between you and your objective where it'll be able to sink in. You'll gain XP for exploring these new areas as well as unlocking the safe houses themselves, and if you're looking to gain XP to level up faster, this will also allow you to sync to the mission boards inside that will open up new missions. You really want to go at this game with the best strategy that lets you level up faster. Opening up every safe house as early as you can will only achieve this quicker. What are your most crucial tips n' tricks for The Division? Let us know in the comments!
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.