The Division: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

2. What To Upgrade First In Your Base

There's a reason you're thrust into the Base of Operations upkeep early on; it can give way to some very important perks (passive abilities that help build your character). Of course, you can ignore upgrading your base to an extent, but you should take the time to make sure you upgrade it early on so you can get some very important perks that will help you out immensely. Firstly, make sure you establish the security wing above everything else. This needs to be the first thing you do. Why? Because doing so unlocks the Experienced Agent perk which in turn will give you an extra 10% to all XP earned from here on out. Having this from the earliest point, will help you level up quicker as you play. Make sure you unlock the Medical Wing counseling upgrade as it will unlock the credit which will give you 10% on all the credits you earn, too. Really, there are so many perks in the game that will help you out, but many of them will do so more if you snag them early on. If you plan on going into the Dark Zone, make sure you take the time to go through what unlocks what and figure out what you want to unlock first. Do your research and don't just randomly pick something, as you'll be hurting yourself in the long run.
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The Division
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.