The Elder Scrolls: 10 Best Morrowind Quests

5. Kill The Heads Of The Thieves Guild

Elder Scrolls Morrowind
Bethesda Softworks

One of the final quests in the Fighters' Guild questline is also one of the best in the entire game.

As you join the Fighters Guild and inflict all manner of thuggery on the people of Morrowind, you will climb the ladder of the guild and have the rank of Guardian bestowed upon you.

Once you've reached this rank, a charming Nord drillmaster named Sjoring Hard-Heart will task with the murders of the three leaders of the Thieves Guild: Big Helende in Sadrith Mora, the awesomely named Sugar-Lips Habasi in Balmora, and Aengoth the Jeweller in Ald'ruhn.

A good egg, that Sjoring, he even gives you 5,000 gold in case you need to purchase anything to aid in your stabby, slicey mission...

Essentially boss fights, it's on you to carry out these killings without alerting every man and his skeever and ending up with a bigger bounty on your head than Han Solo.

Once these murders, born of inter-guild rivalry, have been carried out, there's only one final mission Sjoring Hard-Heart wants you to complete - another murder.

Once this one has been accomplished, Hard-Heart suddenly realises that you are a threat to his position and attacks you: a battle-hardened killer.

Not too bright, is he...?


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...