The Elder Scrolls: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Khajit

9. Khajiit See Sheogorath As The 'Skooma Cat'

Sheogorath is a daedric prince who really should need no introduction to fans of the Elder Scrolls series.

The daedric prince of madness, Sheogorath is a volatile and dangerous individual, prone to making rash and unpredictable decisions to best meddle in with the lives of his mortal worshippers.

To the Khajiit, Sheogorath is particularly important however. With a skooma cat making an appearance in Elsweyr during the Elder Scrolls Online, it should be instantly clear that the reach of the prince of madness has been felt amongst the Khajiit for thousands of years now.

Much like humans have the Saint Alessia pantheon of gods and deities they worship, so too do the Khajiit. And it is in this Khajiiti pantheon that Sheogorath makes his one and only appearance as a figure of worship.

It's not known why exactly the Khajiit worship Sheogorath, though it might have something to do with the unpredictability of the status of the moons, how they impact Khajiit and their forms, and the prince of madness' love of change and chaos. Or maybe they all just know that Sheogorath loves moon sugar.

It does help to explain why there were so many Khajiit running around the Shivering Isles back in Elder Scrolls Oblivion.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.