The Elder Scrolls 6: 8 Things Bethesda Must Change To Stay Relevant

4. Revamped Combat

Skyrim dragons

The Elder Scrolls has a functional enough hack and slash style of combat that serves it's purpose, but when compared to other modern fantasy RPG and action games, it's light/heavy/magic attack system could use an update.

Looking at games like Dark Souls, The Witcher, Nioh and even the upcoming For Honor, melee combat can be made with some real strategy behind it. In The Elder Scrolls, your weapon statistics often make up the majority of your overall combat effectiveness, but the inclusion of placement and tactical considerations would only serve to make The Elder Scrolls 6's combat even more awesome in first person.

In Dark Souls and The Witcher, for example, flanking maneuvers and the position of both you and your foe can be used for bonus damage, and even increase the likelihood of instant kills moves. A great thing to take from Nioh or For Honor would be the ability to change stances in order to increase damage or block effectiveness.

As well as taking inspiration from these titles, The Elder Scrolls 6 could greatly benefit from a lock-on system in order to cut down (no pun intended) on the moments you find yourself wildly flailing your weapon around hoping to hit something.


Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.