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2. Refined Combat

One of the best things about Skyrim that opened it up to an entirely new audience willing to take a punt on an entirely new genre, was a combat system that was actually functional, and didn't feel like you were trying to take down the demonic horde with an assortment of paper towels.

That being said there's still a lot of work that needs doing, as although the sound department did a fantastic job at making each clang of metal and spell-crackle hit home, it was the slow motion 'finishers' that made you wince with their satisfying impact.

With Bethesda looking to further refine their combat and make another substantial leap from what's gone before, it's an inevitability the feel of encounters will change in general. But with any luck you'll not be crossing your fingers and hoping you get one of the 'kill-cams' quite so much, as every swing or bow string-twang'd arrow should feel and look just as good.

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