The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Perfect Locations Fans Haven't Considered

7. Akavir

blades elder scrolls

The main landmass in the world of the Elder Scrolls series is Tamriel, and every game in the series up until now has taken place there. However, there are other landmasses and continents in the world, most notably Akavir, Tamriel€™s neighbour to the east.

Akavir is pretty similar in size to Tamriel, so there€™d certainly be no lack of places to see and caverns to explore. It€™s also known as the €œDragon Land€, so you can bet there are a few scaly beasts wandering the place just itching for a fight, as well as the Snow Demons, the Serpent Men and the Monkey People (all of those are real).

Perhaps the most interesting thing, however, is the fact that Akavir is said to be the original home of the Blades, the Emperor€™s elite bodyguard unit. If that is the case, then exploring Akavir might disclose more about the history of the group, their weaponry, and their fixation with dragons.

In any case, because of our current lack of knowledge about the place, setting the next game in Akavir would give Bethesda a clean slate to work with to bring their ideas to life, without being constrained by the timeline from the previous games, which makes it worthy of consideration.


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