The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Skyrim Mods That Must Be Included

9. Cloaks Of Skyrim

elder scrolls skyrim mod

There's something about having a flowing cloak over the back of your character that is just epic. In fact, I wore the Nightingale Armour purely for the fact that it had a cloak on the back. While the physics on the few armours that had cloaks on them weren’t great, they were still awesome to wear. However, there were a severe lack of cloaks in the game, a criticism that a lot of people voiced.

To the extent that Cloaks of Skyrim was made. Introducing a multitude of craft-able cloaks and capes, the mod allowed the player to customise their character with an extra equipment slot for capes. Improving the physics on the capes, made it so they flowed with each movement and just made adventuring through Skyrim a joy. Its small little things like this that make the game more enjoyable.

In a game like Skyrim, where your character is the epic Dragonborn, hero of legend, you should at least look the part. To that end there has not be more customisation and at the top of the list of features to add, Cloaks of Skyrim is up there.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.