The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Skyrim Mods That Must Be Included

2. Frostfall

skyrim frostfall

Frostfall is one of the most popular mods for Skyrim and for good reason. By adding survival mechanics when wandering through the snow and the necessity to stay warm and not wander blindly into the freeing climate of Skyrim, it added a degree of realism that boosted the game. Making each venture a challenge and forcing the player to plan, it made the exploration of the freezing tundra a lot deeper.

Implementing the mechanics of the mod, would rely heavily on the location of the next game, requiring snowy based world design to allow for the hypothermia mechanics and camping options. But with a little tweaking the ideas introduced in the mod could be used towards a warmer climate. Instead of Hypothermia, you could have Heat Exhaustion, making players search for ways to cool down instead of warm up.

Frostfall was a mod that made Skyrim a step closer to having a Hardcore mode, which is a setting that the game was in dire need of. While balancing, and making sure the game didn’t punish the player too much with the system would be difficult, with perhaps the necessity of the option to tweak it, or turn it off entirely, the mod is a must have, to make the world feel deeper and richer, and make exploring the wilds of Tamriel a little tenser.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.