The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Skyrim Mods That Must Be Included

3. Immersive Creatures

skyrim Armored Skeletons

When looking at Skyrim as a whole, enemy variety can be a little bit of a weak point. Especially when considering that every other quest takes you into a Draugr infested ruin, unique enemies are incredibly important to enhance the diversity of the game. Fighting the same Draugr can get incredibly boring after a while. And while most enemy mods add brand new enemies, Immersive Creatures mostly uses in game assets to cobble together new enemies.

Instead of modelling and implementing new creatures, the mod tweaks existing ones. Skeletons wear a multitude of different armours, New Dwemer Automatons use giant and humanoid models and Giants can have allegiances to Stormcloaks and similar factions. The mod does add a variety of new creatures, but by throwing together existing assets and by simply putting armour on some different enemies, the mod improves the variety drastically.

All Bethesda must do is to create the roster of enemies they plan for the next game and they starting throwing other assets on them to make new variations. If the assets and textures exist, there’s no downside to putting a little extra time in to make encounters a little more unique.

I mean Draugr are fun, but after the hundredth dungeons and the thousandth shambling Nordic zombie, they aren’t nearly as fun as they used to be.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.