The Evil Within 2: 6 Major Updates You Need To Know About

3. Stefano And Obscura

The Evil Within 2

In the reveal trailer, Stefano is the teleporting serial killer who was kind enough to leave rose petals after murdering the swat team guy with only one day until retirement. Meanwhile, Obscura is his tool, the wall-hugging, creepy-crawly responsible for the seizure triggering flashlight photography.

Taking his art very seriously, Stefano sees the beauty in death. Like the time Joker got his hands on a can of spray paint and decided to give Arkham Asylum some directions, Stefano will leave messages for you in blood. “Appreciate the art”, yeah, attention-seeking and self-important notes which scream 'notice me'.

With pictures of eyeballs and a ballerina’s foot with the ankle sliced, Stefano’s mansion also promises to be as pleasant as that one nightmare we all can’t forget.

Obscura, meanwhile, is a collection of rotten legs and arms. Born from Stefano’s twisted desires and obsession with capturing the beauty of dead bodies, it always follows Stefano about like a loyal dog and takes photos of his masterpieces.

Additionally, there is an enigma named Theodore. Someone Bethesda and Tango Gameworks are tight-lipped about.


Callum Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.