The Evil Within 2: 6 Major Updates You Need To Know About

2. Lily Is The World's Seed

The Evil Within 2

Rather than returning to the insane Asylum, you will be wandering about a collapsing virtual world named Union.

Mobius, a powerful, hidden in the shadow group, one people won’t stop incessantly comparing to the illuminati, used STEM to create this world.

Sebastian’s daughter, Lily, is trapped in this hellhole. Stolen by Mobius, she is the world’s core; the seed which was supposed to bring peace and order to this shared realm of human consciousness.

Yet, like sharing a bag of chips with friends, people are greedy and take more than they should. Perhaps a tad more devastating than a few less chips to eat, serial killers have taken over Union. They have used it to create their own horrific versions of heaven.

Using Sebastian’s new communicator device, you will find resonance points which reveal information about what happened to Union, enabling you to play detective and solve the mystery as to why it was truthfully made.

Said to first resemble a pleasant, rural town, then reveal itself to be a world which will make Freddy Krueger’s nightmares look like rainbows and sunshines, Union is a cognitive world which will make us think twice about wanting to share a conscious-based realm with serial killers.


Callum Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.