The Evil Within 2: 6 Major Updates You Need To Know About

1. Shinji Mikami Is Still Involved

The Evil Within 2

Seeing John Johanas named as director made everyone confused. Who the hell is that? And where the hell is Shinji Mikami?

Well, after some incredibly deep sleuthing, meaning a quick glance at IMDB’s always reliable database, Mr. Johanas was The Evil Within’s visual effects designer.

Okay… so why is he now the director? Where is the master of horror? Is he no longer involved? Is this sequel already doomed?

Shinji Mikami is still involved… sort of.

Talking about Mikami at E3 2017, Hines described his role as that of a supervisor. Watching over Tango Gameworks, the Resident Evil creator is said to be helping with the pacing, the balance, the ambience, and coming up with specific moments.

Now, before you panic, cry and suck your thumbs, it is not a bad thing that Mikami is no longer the director. After all, the problem with The Evil Within is that it had no identity of its own. The game felt like Batman’s Hush trying to put together the shattered face of Resident Evil with sellotape. Especially with the countless homages and references which were shoved in our faces every single second.

Thereon, with Mikami’s team, Shinji overlooking everything as the principle, and a new butt in the director’s seat, The Evil Within 2 can feel new and refreshing, whilst still possessing moments of classic survival horror.


What about The Evil Within 2 are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments!


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