The Fall Of The JRPG: 5 Reasons Why RPGs Will Never Be The Same
2. Immersive Plots
I touched on this a little bit on the first point with the emotional connections, though I do think it needs a mention in itself. Although the older games may have been lacking in the visual beauty that the next-generation consoles may possess, they gave a lot back in terms of content. I don't mean content as in downloadable missions or map packs, merely story and lore.
They could tell a beautiful saga, a terrifying tragedy and an awe-inspiring epic before you reached the second disc (yes, I'm talking old school). The old games would send you on an emotional roller coaster from start to finish and make you regret the time you spent away. It seems as if modern games neglect the idea of a good story in the first place and focus more on the aesthetics.
What good is a work of art if it doesn't tell a story when you stare into it? Beauty does sell games but beauty alone will not make it popular or get a developer repeat custom, and that is the brutal truth.