The Greatest Video Game Football Team Of All Time

2. ST - To Madeira (Championship Manager 2001/02)

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Football greatness can be defined by the answer to one simple question: 'Could he cut it on a cold and rainy night at the Britannia Stadium?' Many greats have been subjected to this question, and few have managed to prove that they can. However, one man answered that question again and again, as he established himself as the greatest player of all time.

To Madeira has won more trophies and scored more goals than any other player in the history of football. Even Pele, with his notoriously padded record, cannot even begin to compete with the Portuguese legend. Starting his career at minnows C. D. Gouveia, he quickly caught the eye of managers the world over.

Before long, he was scoring goals for fun, sometimes racking up more than 50 goals a season, every season. Quite the feat for a player who was still representing a district level club at the age of 22. A late bloomer, Madeira would go on to perform well into his 30s, showing an Ibrahimovic-like level of resilience in his latter years.

However, like a few of the players in the team, Madeira wasn't real. In fact, he was made up by one of Championship Manager's scouts. In the digital world however, he still reigns supreme. And now he has Ronarid to back him up...

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After a few years in the writing wilderness, I'm back to doing what I love most: writing about football, music, MMA, and pro wrestling.