The Horrible Truth Behind Microsoft Buying Bethesda

Make Love Not Console Wars

E3 2018 Microsoft

Of course, Microsoft could prove me wrong and go down a different path, continuing to provide hard-copy games, keeping titles non-exclusives, and conscientiously buying new studios to produce outstanding products. But looking at Microsoft’s behaviour so far and their shopping spree of respectable game studios, the most financial option for Microsoft would be to expand the Xbox Game Pass.

If gaming companies are going to make streaming services their primary source of income, they have to learn from the mistakes of TV streaming services that competed via exclusives. Better UI, multiplayer perks, and faster streaming are all more healthy alternatives streaming platforms can compete over, putting the consumer first by allowing them to pick the platform that provides, from their perspective, the best service.

If Sony, Microsoft, and other companies share licenses with each other, we could enter a new golden age of gaming.

On the other hand, Microsoft’s acquisition of Zenimax Media provides the company with a tempting choice of first-party exclusives, something they desperately need if they want to sell Xbox Series consoles. With big-brand names like Bethesda, Microsoft may have nudged their consoles into gamers’ first choice.

In any case, Microsoft holds the power to shape the gaming industry for better or for worse. Over the next few years, we'll have to watch closely how Microsoft release new Xbox Game Studio games to see what future is in store for us gamers. Microsoft: the ball's in your court.


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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.