The Last Of Us 2: 11 Perfect Theories That'll Blow Your Mind

7. Does Ellie's Eyebrow Scar Have Links To Cult Membership?

Last Of Us 2

One of the biggest details that you might have missed in the latest trailer is that all of the cult members, including the defectors about to be executed, all have a distinctive scar running horizontally down their cheek. Seemingly signifying membership to the cult, the only character who doesn't have them is the mystery woman who they are about to hang.

More than signifying membership to the group though, the use of scars could have a deeper meaning, potentially reflecting a hierarchical social system. The main cult member we see, Emily, had scars down her forehead as well as the signature one on her cheek, perhaps signifying her position as a leader.

Either way, it's clear that these scars have meaning to this group, but there's another character in The Last of Us who we know also has a distinctive facial scar: Ellie.

In prior interviews Neil Druckmann has explained that there's some significance behind Ellie's eyebrow scar, and that he wasn't quite ready to reveal the story at the time. Going into the sequel then, it could turn out that Ellie received her injury at the hands of this cult, and could indicate that she's encountered this group before, potentially as a child.


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