The Last Of Us 2: 11 Perfect Theories That'll Blow Your Mind

6. Trailer 2 Is How Anna Met Up With The Fireflies

Last Of Us 2

While the group in the latest trailer are probably too off-the-rails to be Fireflies (as shady as they were, cult sacrifices weren't really their MO), what we witnessed could have been the start of the organisation and Anna's involvement in the rebel group.

Although visually the characters aren't anything like what we've seen from the group previously, the line of dialogue that's spoken just before new character Yara has her arm smashed in with a hammer - "clip her wings" - is too on the nose to not hint towards ther relationship with the Fireflies.

Being sent to execution for deserting the cult, Anna saving Yara and teaming up with her group could result in the character becoming first acquainted with the Fireflies (and Marlene) herself.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3