The Last Of Us Episode 2 Review - 7 Ups & 1 Down

3. Clickers Are TERRIFYING

The Last of Us

More than anything else, this was an action-heavy episode, showing us the risk infected pose in this world. I thought the changes made to the infected’s nature were great, with the hive mind idea instantly making them more deadly and, visually, more alien and disturbing. They were already distinct from zombies, but this takes the concept visually even further.

And what else can I say about the action sequence with the Clickers? It’s pretty much perfect, ratcheting up the tension by emphasising the creatures’ wild, chaotic threat, and just how dangerous the slightest sound can be. When one of the scariest parts of an action scene is wondering whether a character is going to drop an empty shell casing while painstakingly reloading, you know you’ve done something well to ground the world you've built.

The sound design here is incredible too, the practical effects are top notch - I don’t think anyone could have adapted this scene better. Mimicking the scene from the TLOU reveal trailer as Joel holds the revolver and the clicker sneaks up on him in cover was also an amazing addition - they’re not just adapting the game here, they’re adapting everything associated with it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3