The Last Of Us Part 2 Review: 10 Ups And 2 Downs
1. Not Enough Infected/Human Enemy Counters

It's also a shame that encounters between Infected and humans are mostly still segregated as well, though there are a handful of times you get to play the two off each other.
This was a great addition to the Left Behind DLC, and while it is present, you can go through the whole game without ever really making use of the mechanic.
Still, The Last of Us Part 2 is a remarkable achievement. With its narrative and gameplay working in perfect synergy, it's delivered a challenging, hugely emotional experience that could only be realised in this medium.
Some narrative decisions are undoubtedly going to spark discussion, but they weren't made in bad faith, and ultimately serve to not only push the story forward, but to strengthen the themes and events of the original as well. You ain't seen nothing yet.
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