The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD - 6 Small Changes Worth Knowing

2. Fetch Quests Now With Extra Fetching

Twilight Princess Boss
What's the change? The developers added a new item, called the Ghost Lantern. It enables players to find Poe souls far quicker by glowing when you're close to one. Additionally, the Tears of Light quests are slightly shorter, being cut down from 16 a-piece to just 12. Why? To make the slower collect-a-thon sections of the game slightly quicker and overall easier on the player. This strategy was also seen in the Wind Waker HD edition, where partial amendments were made to the Triforce shard quest to make finding it less of a nuisance and boring chore. Understanding the player€™s perspective and having a good handle on what feels like padding or a frustrating waste of time can lead to important concessions by developers and it's good to see Nintendo and their co-developers, Tantalus, are happy to make changes despite the sacred reputation series' like Zelda carry. Allowing a 9999 capacity wallet was another of those minor but very welcome changes. This is why top-tier companies like Steam and Nintendo do so well with their games; you know you€™re getting excellent design, regardless of genre. The more improvements made between one version of the game and the next, the better all players€™ experiences will be.

Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.