The Outer Worlds: 10 Ways It's Already Better That Fallout 4

1. The "Flaws" System

Outer Worlds

Arguably the most interesting feature of The Outer Worlds is the new "Flaws" system. This will allow players to change how they play through the game by giving players the chance to give their characters Flaws, most often in the form of phobias of things you'll encounter during your playthrough such as particular alien races and environmental hazards like fire or heights.

Flaws seem to function by having the player be attacked too often by a certain enemy (as seen in the image). Once you go over a certain threshold, you will be given the chance to accept a Flaw, giving you a permanent debuff and weakness to whatever triggered your Flaw, but in turn allowing you to immediately take an extra Perk point.

There seems to be a cap on how many Flaws you can have, but players will be able to take more flaws on the harder difficulty settings, allowing you to jump-start your specialisations for more difficult playthroughs but making it more likely you'll encounter more Flaws. This sense of ambient difficulty really sounds like every player's experience of The Outer Worlds will be different, and offers some fun role-playing opportunities for players to immerse themselves in their characters.


Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now!