The Problem Nobody Wants To Admit About Nintendo

Back In The Game?

Nintendo games

Nintendo's biggest problem is the danger of irrelevance. The Switch has helped immeasurably, but they still run the very real risk of simply being dismissed by the majority of gamers - especially younger players who lack any old-school Nintendo nostalgia and just want to play the latest Call of Duty - as the company who have Mario and nothing else. Kids play Nintendo, but "real" gamers play Xbox and PlayStation.

This may sound ridiculous to some, but it is increasingly becoming the prevailing consensus.

Only Nintendo themselves have the power to wrestle the argument and the weight of public opinion back towards themselves and their systems, but they must put their money where their mouth is and actually wow gamers with their future systems the way the PS5 and Xbox Series X have. If Nintendo, too, can induce mass-salivating all over the world with the announcement of a new system like Sony and Microsoft did, they could be onto something.

Everybody knows that Nintendo can dream up all manner of weird and wonderful creations, that they can throw Wii remotes and Labo kits at us until the cows come home to Moo Moo Meadows. However, it may well be that with the exception of only the most die-hard Nintendo fans, people are getting tired of all that.

Perhaps the time has come for such left-field, out of the box thinking to be retired, and for Nintendo to go back to doing what they have done best for the last 40 years: making great games on fantastic consoles.

And no more mobile games... Please, for the love of Ganon, no more mobile games.


Can You Name The Nintendo Exclusive Game From ONE Image?

Astral Chain
Shin'en Multimedia

1. Which Game Is It?


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...