The Sims: 10 Most Ridiculous Things We've All Done

6. Actively Hunted Out Glitches

The Sims Glitch

Can you really say you haven't scrolled through a page of memes without seeing an image of a Sim twisted and contorted into an unnatural shape thanks to a glitch in the game? If you said you can then you sir/madam are a liar.

Naturally, once you've seen them, you can never un-see them and will have an unending desire to make them happen for yourself.

From murderous glitches, such as the pool ladder removal, to the freaky faces they pull if you pause the game at just the right second - you're hunting them out for life now.

Nothing's going to stop you from finding them all; is it?

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The Sims
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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.