The Sims 4: 10 Past Features EA Should’ve Never Taken Out

7. Advanced Emotions

The Sims 4 neighborhoods

One of the main selling points for The Sims 4 was that the new Sims had emotions ranging from angry to happy, hysterical to fine. When someone close to your Sim dies, it normally takes days for them to get over it and if they get a promotion they're over the moon for a few days, but it's really not as great a feature as many thought it was going to be.

In The Sims 2, it felt that your Sims had a lot more emotion than in the new game. When a Sim got divorced or got demoted, there would be random times later in the game when your Sim would remember the experience and sigh sadly as the bubble above their heads would indicate why they're depressed.

You could almost feel sympathy for them in these times. Now it's all about being sad for a far shorter time and getting over it instantly, which is completely unrealistic.


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