The Walking Dead Game: 10 Reasons It's Better Than The TV Show

1. Lee: The Humble Hero

the-walking-dead-game-pain-5-11-2012 Lee Everett is the best hero to have during the zombie apocalypse. He is humble and has everyone's best interest in mind, although he keeps Clementine above all the rest. He is appointed leader after no time and it's no wonder, he is the most qualified leader of the group. He has violent tendencies, perfect for getting rid of walkers, he wants everyone to get along and live well, he has patience for even the most annoying of survivors, and great fatherly instinct, immediately taking on the task of guiding Clementine through this mess of a new world, and keeping her safe. Lee is like all of us, he is a little bit funny, sarcastic, afraid, awkward, and a lot of the time clumsy. (Seriously, he tripped over everything!) Throughout all five episodes he never let the power of being a leader get to his head. He was open for the other survivors input, and was always honest. (Depending on how you played.) Just like Clementine, Lee was a fan favorite of last year, and has rightfully been nominated and awarded for it. (Or rather his incredible voice actor, Dave Fennoy.) Lee was great, and certainly a leader to take some hints from in case the apocalypse is around the corner. Rick is great to, but I think we can all he can be a bit of an ass. How can he keep an entire group together and alive when he can hardly keep his wife and kid from making some of the worlds dumbest decision? Okay-that might be a little unfair, but you have to admit most episodes seem to be a guide for how not to be a leader. Rick is a great lead character, and has gotten his group far, however, he has lost a lot along the way. I guess a show wouldn't be all that fun to watch if the leader never made mistakes, and was basically immortal. But do you really need to make a character insane to have an emotional impact, the average everyday person is just as emotionally impacting, if not more so. Give more atypical Lee Everett characters a chance! Let the debate begin! Clearly there are hints the TV show and game could take from one another, but for me the game has the edge so far. Let me know in the comments if you agree, let me know what I missed, and let me know why I am totally wrong.

I'm Ashtyn, like Kutcher, but spelled with a Y. I'm a sophomore at UNLV with dreams of one day becoming a video games journalist. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @AshtynMarlow