The Witcher 3: 10 Best Secret Areas You Need To Visit

7. Breaking Bad Cave

Witcher 3
CD Projekt Red

What would a video game be without Easter Eggs? Little nods to pop culture references certainly makes the war-torn lands of The Witcher 3 a more pleasant place to be in. And you can find a reference to Breaking Bad tucked away in a secret room.

Upon venturing to a watery cave entrance just north of Novigrad (there’s a handy signpost marked “Cavern” next to it), intrepid players will be able to sniff out this sneaky reference.

Hidden behind an illusory wall at the back of the cavern Geralt will discover a hidden laboratory where two skeletons can be seen lying next to each other. Examine the bodies and you’ll find the alchemist’s notes that will shed some light on their fates.

The alchemist’s assistant, Jester (a resemblance to Aaron Paul’s character Jesse Pinkman), had “ONE task”, the document explains. He was supposed to create the incantation for a Gollum to guard the lab. Sadly, due to his incompetency the magic went wrong, causing said creature kill them both.

And what was this secret laboratory’s purpose? To manufacture fisstech, a highly addictive drug in the world of The Witcher that the doomed pair used to ease their last moments of suffering.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.