The Witcher 3: 10 Best Side Quests You Must Complete

1. The Last Wish

The Witcher 3 The Last Wish
CD Projekt Red

For all of the action and fantasy at work in The Witcher 3, one of its strongest elements is the relationship that Geralt maintains with the characters around him. There's so much room for player input as the Witcher calls on the help of friends and adversaries alike, meaning that even the game's cut-scenes will keep you engrossed and involved.

But when all's said and done, none of these relationships feel as memorable or important as the one Geralt has with Yennefer. Whether you're Team Yen or Team Triss, a particular quest in The Witcher 3 allows you to make that decision once and for all. The Last Wish has Geralt and Yen capturing a Djinn in order to remove the linking magic of another that had previously bound them together.

The quest itself is exciting, fairly action-packed, and takes players to some typically enjoyable locations on the huge map. Ultimately, however, it's the final few moments that really make this one stand out. As the Djinn lifts the magic that had bound Geralt and Yen, the sorceress exclaims she doesn't actually feel any different. It's then your turn to comment, meaning you can either agree or disagree.

CD Projekt Red make you care about so many characters in this game that it's really difficult to choose favourites. Moments like this are simple but fraught with so much emotional tension that they can be as difficult as even the toughest contract. Such moments are surprising for a game these days, meaning they stand out all the brighter in the end.


What was your favourite quest on Geralt's latest adventures? Talk to us about the ones you enjoyed in the comments below!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.