The Witcher 3: 10 Things You Didn't Know

6. Skellige’s Ghost Ship

Witcher 3 Arrow
CD Projekt Red

What with all its grisly content, it would be unfair to assume that the Witcher series wouldn’t dip its toes into the pool of the paranormal. And that it does.

In The Witcher 3, take a ride to the Skellige map, around the islands between Hindarsfjall and An Skellig. In-game, the time must be around 1am, but a ghostly ship will appear once per day. It is highlighted an eerie blue against the black of the night sky, and can’t be missed if you’re in the right place.

This ship can’t be interacted with at all, and only appears for a split second before diving back beneath the waters Flying Dutchman-style. Who would have thought the White Wolf was the missing member of Mystery Inc.?


A writer of fiction and fact.