6. Buy Diagrams, Craft Everything Yourself To Save Money And Avoid Level Caps
Forever saving up to buy one particular piece of armour or a weapon? You can get around the whole thing by purchasing the diagrams instead - providing you've got the materials. You'll find most of the best gear in the early-game will be off-limits to you, purely because you're a good five-ten levels below anyway, but that's no excuse to buy up every diagram every Blacksmith or Armorer has in stock anyway. Chances are they'll be selling overpriced versions of what you can craft anyway, but some swords and weapons can have their level-caps completely bypassed by crafting them yourself. Handily, many of these forgers will have the components necessary to craft the blades/armours anyway, so grab a pen and paper, note down your own shopping list of parts, then toggle the shoulder buttons between the Shop and Crafting tabs until you've got everything in place.