The Witcher 3: 12 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. Avoid Fall Damage By Rolling

The worst way to die - although it is part of a hilarious easter egg - Witcher 3's fall damage seems at first to be absolutely ridiculous. Geralt can lose an entire health bar attempting to drop only a few feet, and out in the wild there's nothing worse than surviving a sword-fight only to immediately fall to your death. Thankfully the developers did put a workaround in, they just elected to not tell anyone about it. All you have to do is tap circle/B when you're about to connect with the ground, and The White Wolf himself will tuck and roll through an otherwise crippling impact. It doesn't mean you can survive falls from any height, but it'll stop you meeting the sudden end that comes from falling off random balconies or trying to cut out portions of the city by dropping between levels. Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments!
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