The Witcher 3: 10 Most Impactful Side-Quests You Need To Find

2. Ghost Of The Past Location: Velen, Lindenvale Thought the only mention to Witcher 2 you were going to get was in the opening discussions where you can retcon you progress? Think again, as although he's extremely easy to miss, you can come across the main antagonist from W2, Letho, alive and well in 3 - providing you left him alive in the first place, of course. Now, this is going to sound mighty strange - but it's actually way better if you stumbled across him at random - because the contract you pick up from a random old woman actually makes out as thought you're investigating a ghostly disturbance - only for it to be Letho hiding out in the rafters. Following a catch-up you have the option to accompany him on another short mission, ending in a supremely cool way that'll knock you for six before all's said and done.
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