The Witcher 3: 5 Best Moments

3. Fighting Imlerith

Witcher 3 Geralt toxicity
CD Projekt RED

Finally you get to face off with one of the thorns that have been so inconsiderately in your side from the first moments of the game; and Imlerith does not disappoint.

In honesty, much of Imlerith's memorability sits firmly in his opening cinematic; which is dripping with such ludicrous tongue-in-cheek big boss tropes it is difficult not to be enamoured by it. As I watch him, sitting on his throne of skulls (where did that even come from?) with a bevy of women pawing at his ankles, 12 year old me can't help but squeal with glee. While near 30 year old me, solemnly vows to exact my revenge on this ravenous monster (But secretly also squeals with glee).

It really is everything that this boss should be, a perfect cinematic for a much anticipated moment. The fight itself is everything that it's supposed to be as well. The scale of the man is apparent as blow after blow from Geralt's much storied blade bounce against his hulking frame.

A heavy hand for Igni helps cook the lumbering behemoth alive in his own armour, but even then, he clambers after you like the unperturbed monster you've imagined him be until this point.

It is an epic and fitting battle proceeded with one of the most unapologetically ludicrous introductory cutscenes in gaming. And it's great.


Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin