The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 10 Glaring Flaws That Immediately Cripple It
9. The Framerate Is Buggy As Hell
Depending on your platform of choice, this particular issue will have varying degrees of application - as it seems if you're in possession of a hefty PC rig, everything can run liquid smooth. Not so on consoles though, as even trying to move the camera as you're riding around - something that gamers tend to do when your game looks this good - results in a jerky and stilted motion. After a few seconds things normalise as the game seemingly recognises what you're trying to do, but as far as whipping the view around to catch a sunset to your side as you ride past, forget about it. Worse still is a strange bug - so far only seen on PS4 - where when riding for a prolonged period of time if you try and manoeuvre the camera in a certain direction, it'll whip 90 degrees in the opposite, meaning you have to manually re-right it. Such strange issues should've been ironed out in various stints of development, and it's a real shame that they persist, especially seeing Wild Hunt received a delay from last year to smooth everything out.