The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 10 Glaring Flaws That Immediately Cripple It
8. Map And World Textures Continually Disappear
Thought we'd seen the last of texture-pop with the jump to new consoles? Think again, as although Witcher's game engine isn't the notoriously plain-looking Unreal Engine (when it doesn't load), many times when it shifts focus to a new part of the world in cutscenes, the respective textures for walls and scenery won't have loaded in. In addition to this idea of the basic elements not appearing when they should, users have reported things like the water textures turning solid black, before 'popping' back in - and from first-hand experience there have been multiple instances where the mini-map flashes to black before restoring itself again. The Witcher games have certainly never been perfect - and fans of Bethesda-style 'world first, polish later' approach to games most likely won't mind either - but it's still very off-putting when a brand new title also doubling as a landmark release for next-gen hardware can't hold its most basic elements together.