These Final Boss Battles SUCK! AGAIN!

2. General Vasquez - Sniper: Ghost Warrior

These final boss battles suck
CI Games

Most video games worth their salt know that while gameplay can carry players through a narrative if those essential story beats aren't present then most will likely drop off before the game comes to a close.

It's why plotlines are filled with betrayals, shock reveals and of course, compelling villains that light a fire deep within players to see these smug bastards mushed into a paste.

And yet, sometimes despite having a decent throughline and a villain you can't wait to beat, there are titles that drop the ball in the final moments. And Sniper: Ghost Warrior sure is one of them.

While not perhaps possessing the same polish as the Sniper Elite series, Ghost Warrior sure as hell nailed its gameplay elements where it counted, namely the ability to pop enemies' heads like grapes from a country mile away, and had a rather engaging story of a group of snipers destabilizing a tyrannical military regime who are worryingly now toying with nuclear weapons.

It's high stakes and high tension all the way through, and as you've been chasing the leader General Vasquez all the way through the game, the desire to land that final shot grows and grows in your mind.

It's a shame then that the final boss of this game is done and dusted within three minutes of starting the final level with one bullet and with zero challenge present at all.

Hell, the General stands near a window with only one guard next to him and makes next to no movements at all meaning that this battle feels less like a test of your skills and more like you've fallen into a point-and-click adventure game.

This reeks of the general just sighing to himself and saying "let's just get this over with" which is a sentiment echoed by the game itself as it literally just ends without any cutscenes at all and just a black screen and the words The End.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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