These Racing Games SUCK!

4. Pyongyang Racer

These Racing Games SUCK!
Koryo Tours

Now I know what you're thinking to yourself "hoo boy it sure is nice that many borders have opened up again, I can't wait to travel the world and experience exciting new locales and customs"

But wait, my friend, before you pack your string vest and pairs of socks with sandals, how about we look around to see if video games can save you a bit of cash and jetlag, as there's actually a game on the market that apparently lets you experience North Korea in all of its mysterious glory!

That's right. North Korea! Woo! Now let's see what exciting things we can get up to on the streets of Pyongyang!

Or should that be "Hollywood Set Cutouts" because those houses and buildings you're driving past really are looking pretty flat my friend. And where are the people? And why are there only like two or three cars on the road at a single time? And why is the rather stern police officer here telling me what to do with every waking second of my life?

*Insert satirical joke here*

Ok so beyond all of these very weird gameplay elements, this game absolutely stinks like rotten eggs. For some reason, your car burns through oil at a rate that would make America itself sweat, and thus you're constantly having to collect random oil drums that have been scattered around the very, very bland streets. In fact, going out of your way to collect these drums is the only challenge presented to the player as there's not enough traffic to require extreme drifting, nor an incentive to drive quickly lest the officer on duty chews me out again.

So all that's left is to bumble around collecting postcards of famous Pyongyang landmarks which is highly ironic seeing as the country would likely count these images as evidence of you being a spy and are so grainy that it fills your eyes with sand just by looking at them. It's a bizarre game from an even more bizarre region.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.