These Racing Games SUCK!

2. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing

These Racing Games SUCK!
Gamemill Publishing

See I actually feel bad for including Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing in a piece like this, for while this game is, by any rationale so utterly horrific you could plant a copy in your lawn at Halloween to scare children, it's a game so utterly terrible that actually transcends into sheer jaw-dropping brilliance.

It's a game that is so unbelievably broken that it's impossible to hate it with any real intent.

Sure the title "through the !*$% floor" racing would be more appropriate, sure the A.I is so incompetant that you can't actually lose the race as they aren't programmed to cross the finish line, and yes the ability to reverse at speeds faster than light itself becuase nobody bothers to put a limiter on the feature will break your brain, but it's so wonky that it'll reduce you to fits of laughter over fits of anger.

Plus when you read into the titles development story, you'll find a tale of a small dev team with minimal budgets forced to release the game in a pre-alpha state by their publisher, and if we're being honest I'm glad that this game wasn't given the time or care from the higher ups, as with more polish and development Big Rigs would move from being pure chaos served up with a shot of scorpion venom, and instead just be another by the numbers big bland dump in the trousers.

This game got to ascend to the height of infamy because of how beyond the pale it was, and has received so much love that it's actually getting a sequel at some point down the line. It got to live again because it died so very, very hard.

So what we're going to do is give this game a light smack on the wrist, acknowledge that it is on paper literally the worst and look forward to the insanity that's sure to come down the line.

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