These Video Game Achievements SUCK!

3. Bladder Of Steel - Rock Band 2

These Trophies Suck

Six Hours.

That's how long Rock Band 2's Bladder Of Steel trophy will take you to pop. Now I know that some of you poor fools might think that in the grand scheme of things, a handful of hours for a trophy is nothing and you might even start strapping on the fake plastic guitars, growing out your hair, and in the case of all the bassists out there, seething in resentment as their parts get cut before they even began writing them.

But please, I beg of you, I too was plagued by this hubris, but after attempting to get this achievement with my friends upon learning of its existence just leave it be, it's truly not worth it.

You see the Bladder of Steel is an utter friendship ruiner in trophy form, and will only pop for those who manage to complete the Endless Setlist 2 without failing or pausing, so that six hours I mentioned before? That's in one go, without breaks, perfectly completing each song. That is nearly a full working day just playing one game with such laser precision that you don't ever even think about gracing the pause button.

And trust me, small, costly mistakes can take many forms, just ask my parents.

Accidentally pausing, bigging up the fact you can complete all the songs on Expert only to stack it during a mid-session solo and tank the team, and my personal favorite, forgetting Visions was on the tracklist until it showed up and every member of my friends apologizing in unison. This broke my spirit and I'm putting it here to try and save yours.

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