These Video Game Achievements SUCK!

2. Online Trophies Added In Via DLC

These Trophies Suck

So, I'm going to level with you, I don't play games to one hundred percent them anymore, and would much rather leave that task to those pure sadists out there like Jirard from The Completionist. It's not because I don't enjoy the games I play enough to see everything that they have to offer, it's just because I know, deep down, aiming for 100% in this day and age is less a headache and more begging for the devs to drive a pick ax through your face.

Confused? Well think about it this way; back in the day a video game would drop with a fixed amount of trophies and that would be your lot, but with the ever-increasing presence of games as a live service, and titles that land with season passes and DLC roadmaps that extend out into the distance, it all means one thing, that the achievement list you're looking at on launch is not etched in stone, and that countless more will be added across the titles tenure.

All this translates into an experience that gets harder and harder to one hundred percent, and in some cases becomes impossible to do so thanks to online servers shutting down with trophies tied to that component. You might even have your goalposts moved by expansions you don't want to pay for or just don't appeal to you in the slightest, and it can end up feeling very overwhelming indeed.

Therefore I guess you could count this less as a single Achievement that sucks but the whole never-ending process of grinding for them against almost unassailable odds as a whole. Remember these were meant to be fun little milestones to reward you for playing in fun and interesting ways, but now it feels like a job.

Games as a live service? More like games as a life sentence!

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