These Video Game Crossovers SUCK!
3. Nicktoons MLB (Xbox 360)

Now before any of your Nicktoon fanatics throws a SpongeBob sized brick through my window and then make a grammatically confusing and misspelled Reddit post about how I'm a "silly sausage" for daring to challenge the brilliance of Nicktoons MLB, let's just take a step back and look at what we're dealing with here.
Firstly it's baseball and Nicktoons, the crossover itself feels like the least likely event ever, and outside of fans of both acting like hyperactive little children after a few pints of fizzy pop, can't see how the ven diagrams overlap in a way that screams "this has to be made into a video game"
Secondly, I'm not actually talking about Nicktoons MLB as a whole being an utter skipwreck, but specifically about the Xbox 360 version, which while having greater visual fidelity - and I mean who doesn't want to see a horrible unblinking Spongebob smash the piss out of a baseball with a worrying degree of strength in HD - fell apart completely when it came to its Kinnect integration.
Now as we all know, the Kinect in all its forms can be a motion sensor with some "quirks" and by this, I mean that the only thing the unit seems to register is you smashing it apart with a hammer. You could be sitting in the perfect setup and still be told you aren't in the room, so imagine how frustrating it is to be told to play a game of baseball with it.
The Wii version knocked it out of the park in this area by comparison, but the Kinnect is out in the car park chocking in a pre-game tailgating hotdog.