These Video Game Crossovers SUCK!

2. Spyro (And Crash) Fusion

WC Crossovers

Spyro and Crash Bandicoot have a habit of showing up in each other's games, or at the very least referencing that the other IP exists with a few cheeky nods and winks, and as a result, it's become something of a charming feature of both franchises.

However, when it came to a blatant crossover event between the pair which here in the UK was known as Spyro and Crash Fusion, things went all "Brundlefly" and the resulting mess was a creeping mass of swill that fans immediately passed on.

Setting the adventures on the GBA was always going to limit what was capable of such a crossover, but things truly went sideways when the Fusion duo decided that everything that Spyro was known for, aka the charging, gliding, and firebreathing was simply too much to handle and so removed each in near entirety.

Here players were given a Spyro that snotted flames seemingly at random instead of breathing them, limited and stilted platform design that made no effort to hide its laziness, and in place of flight, sections seemed to stuff Spyro fusion full of vehicles in a desperate attempt to offer variance, each of which handled about as well as The Titanic and was almost on equal footing when it came to disastrous experiences.

It's unanimously agreed that Spyro Fusion is the worst of the pair, as there's so little "Spyro" about it that one has to ask what the point of the crossover was. Crash Fusion on the other hand, while not being a great game and full of its own glitches and tech issues, was still able to feel like Crash if only because the gameplay approach mirrored that of his console counterparts.

It's such a shame that a crossover with this much goodwill and fan support ended up tanking so badly, mainly due to how thoroughly work-shy the devs seemed to be when tasked with making a series to honor both franchises.

Unfortunately, the pair of games did crash and burn, but not in a way that many were expecting.

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