These Video Game Final Boss Battles SUCK!
2. Sauron - The Lord Of The Rings: Shadow Of Mordor

The Abhorred. The Dark Lord. The literal Lord Of The Rings and all-around nasty stinkbug who farts his horrible influence all over Tolkein's world of fantasy.
This is a guy you do not want knocking at your door let me tell you, as for one that would mean you've likely pissed him off, and two because you're going to need a new door as he's sent it flying through three walls of your house and impaled your cat in the process.
Every time we hear or see anything to do with Sauron it might as well come with an audio clip of a crowd gasping and that one mate all bully's used to have saying "yeah" as this walking suit of f**k you is a rude dude with a serious 'tude.
So how do you make this big bad beef boy into a video game boss?
Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened when it came to depicting the final encounter with Sauron in Shadow Of Mordor, an otherwise fantastic title that saw you destabilizing his hold on the land with stealth, subterfuge, and some good old stabbing.
For a game that focused so much on the brilliant Nemesis system, that promoted random enemies and doled out skills to them in order to make living, breathing, reactive boss battles, to end with a bloody QTE seems like such a waste. Did the team feel they couldn't convey Sauron's raw power?
Well if that was the case maybe they could have had the QTE last a little longer than 15 seconds! It made Sauron look like an utter chump! Three swings and he's gassed? What is the Andre the !*$% Giant?