These Video Game Moral Choices SUCK!

Choose wisely... or don't, because it doesn't matter.


Much like shutting your cute faced dog out of the kitchen because you know he's gonna slobber all over your Sunday Roast, video games love to fill their cheeks with difficult moral choices, after all it's part and parcel of making titles that cater to everyone. Yet that's not to say all moral choices in games have been delivered well as lemme tell you something brother there have been some absolute stinkers.

Take for example Pokemon red and blue which believe it or not posed a pretty serious moral choice to the player when they were asked whether they wanted to join Team Rocket, you know the absolute bad lads and lasses of the franchise who pretty much were the most bumbling and incompetent villains around. Quick tip guys if you want to pick a fight with me maybe bring more than one or two Pokemon, or better yet just bring a !*$% gun, seriously I'll fill my comfy shorts if someone pulled a shooter on my squirtle.

Yet here's the thing even though their motto is "Steal Pokémon for profit. Exploit Pokémon for profit. All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket." I know that more than a few of us would have loved the chance to have joined up and gone on the rob with Team Rocket.

Hell the game could have even played it off as you infiltrating them to learn more about their shady goings on, but no Game Freak didn't want us getting our Freak on with the enemy and took any actual choice from us by answering with a hard no, thus taking probably one of the most impactful choices that could have been made within the franchise and making a right muk of it. booo the crowd hates that booo.

This next choice absolutely sucks because it was actually a developer mistake.

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