These Video Game Moral Choices SUCK!

Conrad Verner - Mass Effect

Mass Effect Conrad Verner

Ladies and Gentlegeese say hello to Conrad Verner from Mass Effect who might well be one of the most annoying side characters since that melted candle head that was the super fan from Elder Scrolls Oblivion,and actually shares many similarities with that NPC as well, being a superfan of super duper Shepard. Now he's clearly more enamoured with the idea of being a Spectre than the actual work so you have the choice to either call his bluff which will end up with him dying or let him down gently so that he does something better with his time.

However it's here where the error comes in to play because if you're nice to him, the game marks this as being both Paragon AND Renegade, meaning that when he shows back up in Mass Effect 2 this blond bellened will accuse you of pulling a gun on him and chide you with his bleating. Now listen friend the only weapon here is you so why don't you take your knock off brand suit of armour that probably reads "Addidos" or "Noike" on the inside and f**k off back to the dark side of the moon.

This genuinely pissed me off when I played it because I was, rather uncharacteristically, being nice to people in the first game, so for this pretender to the throne to go out of his milky way to be a prick? Well let's just say I made sure he didn't make it to mass effect three. Side note the death they give him in the game is !*$% brutal. He falls from a floating bus, hits several cars falling to his death and then falls into a bio-recycling turbine. Jeez ok. calm down.

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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.